If you or anyone in your family suffers with eczema or has skin conditions you will be aware how uncomfortable and difficult to treat it can be. Scientific research has proven the link between hard water and skin health, so investing in a water softener is one way to protect your skin barrier and maintain good skin health.
What causes eczema?
There is no single cause of eczema. Doctors believe it arises from a mix of hereditary and environmental factors, of which hard water is one. One theory is that the chlorine added to protect our drinking water and the hardness minerals contained in the hard water causes dryness and irritation. Because of this, hard water households use more soap and detergent – products we know inflame the skin of eczema sufferers.
Every person who suffers with eczema or other skin conditions such as dermatitis or psoriasis has a different story. They may have different symptoms, different weak points, or different triggers but generally they are all affected by environmental factors and the products that we use.
Could switching to softened water help?
More than 60% of households are located in hard water areas in England and Wales. Research carried out at the University of Nottingham** by dermatologists, medical geographers and statisticians in 1998 indicated that hard water could play a part in causing eczema flare-ups in some children.The study, involving more than 7,500 school age children, found that eczema is around 50% more common in primary schoolchildren living in hard water areas than those who live in soft water areas. This could not be attributed to differences in age or social class.*Source: National Eczema Society 2001.
**Source: Professor Hywel Williams, University of Nottingham, August 1998
Hard water doesn’t lather or clean as well as soft water and so we use far more detergent to compensate. This leaves a residue that can impair the normal function of your epidermis, the outer layer of your skin. It can irritate and damage the skin barrier, especially if you are already sensitive or you suffer from eczema, dermatitis or psoriasis.
Softened water can improve these conditions, as it is doesn’t contain as many of the minerals that clog pores and cause dryness and irritation. You will use less product to produce a lather and it will rinse off more easily leaving less residue
How a water softener can help:
There is already overwhelming anecdotal evidence to suggest that skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis are aggravated by hard water. Many sufferers have experienced immediate relief on installing a water softener and feel that this is more than just coincidence.So why can a water softener help reduce the symptoms of eczema? Due to the complexity of eczema, it is impossible to quantify why exactly softened water helps the condition. However, British Water advises that there are enough successful reports to suggest the following:
- Water softeners eliminate scummy soap curd and result in a clean lather which is kind to skin, reducing dryness and itching.
- With softened water, the amount of soap used when washing clothes can be greatly reduced. Also pure soap products can be used with softened water in preference to detergent. Another reason is that households in hard water areas tend to use more soap and detergent when washing clothes and bathing.
- Products we know inflame the skin of eczema sufferers. Water softeners have an ‘ion exchange’ system which removes the calcium and magnesium salts from the water, thus completely eliminating the hardness.
- Save money on cleaning products and toiletries.
- Spend less time cleaning.
- Softer skin and silkier hair.
- Increase life expectancy of domestic water-using appliances.
- Brighter looking clothes.
- More environmentally friendly.
Enjoy a life enhancing experience
The best way to really appreciate the benefits of a water softener is for you to experience it for yourself.
Dylan used to suffer very badly from eczema. It was so terrible he had to wear special suits 24 hours a day and his skin was raw by his constant scratching. Despite being prescribed many different creams by his GP nothing seemed to work.
After some online research, Dylan’s mother contacted Kinetico and had a water softener installed. The transformation was remarkable. Within a few weeks Dylan’s eczema dramatically improved – and eventually vanished. Now he leads an active life, loves playing football and doesn’t have to worry about bathtime.
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